National HealthClaim is in the process of migrating all our accounts from Version 2 to Version 3.
Not sure what version you are on?
When you are using ClaimSnap, the version is listed at the bottom of your Settings page.
When you are using the online portal, here are the differences:
Please select what version you are currently on to get the right information:
To learn how to fund your account, click here.
This article goes into more detail about how the shortfall is calculated. Review the different sections of the Funding Chart below:
1. Approved claims including administration fees and provincial taxes.
These are the claims National HealthClaim has reviewed and approved.
This article covers how to understand the Funding Summary on your Spending Account. You can find the Funding Summary on your homepage, and under the ‘Funding’ tab.
To learn how to fund your account, click here.
Funding Summary explained
Current Account Funds: The funds already in your account. This amount is subtracted from the Minimum Amount Due (in pink) asked.
Approved Claims Waiting Reimbursement: Approved claims including administration fees and provincial taxes.These are the claims National HealthClaim has reviewed and approved.
Minimum Amount Due (in pink): The total funding needed taking into consideration current account funds. This is the amount needed to fully satisfy approved claims.
Minimum Balance explained
A minimum balance is the funding early warning system.
For example, if you set $1000 as a minimum balance, it means we will notify you with an email if the account goes under this balance.
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