For record-keeping purposes, you can’t permanently remove a dependent from the system, but you are able to hide the dependent from the employee’s account or suspend their coverage.
Hiding a dependent removes their name from the employee’s account. Their information will not be visible on their online portal, or on their account on the mobile app, ClaimSnap.
Adding an inactive date range to a dependent keeps them visible everywhere, but restricts their coverage. If an expense for the dependent is submitted during that inactive date range period, it will not be reimbursed.
For instructions on how to add a new dependent, click here.
For instructions on how to apply ‘Student Status’ coverage to a child dependent, ensuring they are eligible under an extended upper age limit, click here.
Get Started
- Hide a dependent from the employee’s account
- Suspend dependent coverage by adding an inactive date range
Hide a dependent from the employee’s account
1. Login and click on the "Employees" tab.
2. Locate the employee whose dependent you want to hide.
3. Click on the "Dependents" tab.
4. Locate the dependent. Click the “Edit” link.
5. A pop-up will appear. Select the “Is Hidden” checkbox and click “Save.”
Suspend dependent coverage by adding an inactive date range
1. Login and click on the "Employees" tab.
2. Locate the employee whose coverage you want to suspend and click on their name.
3. Click on the "Date Ranges" tab
4. Click the "+ Add date range" blue button to trigger a pop-up window.
5. Within this pop-up window, you have the ability to complete a series of tasks including adding an inactive date range for an employee or their dependents, and applying Student Status to dependents.
For the purpose of this article, here is how to make a dependent inactive for a date range period:
- Under the ‘Range Type’ field, choose ‘Inactive’ as your selection.
- Under the ‘Dependent ID’ field, choose the relevant dependent’s name as your selection.
- Enter a date range. Any expenses incurred within this date range are ineligible for reimbursement. If you leave the ‘To Date’ field blank, the employee will have suspended coverage without end.
6. Click on "Save" to confirm your changes.
- Please note, you are able to edit any date range, as needed. Our claim team processes an employee’s claim based on the information on the employee’s account at the time of review.
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