Get Started
Here is an overview of what we'll cover in this article.
Download ClaimSnap, the free mobile app
This is how you submit receipts for reimbursement to us.
If you prefer to upload your receipts online, click here to read those instructions.
Download instructions:
- iOS (iPhone, iPad): search for "ClaimSnap" on the Apple App Store or click here to Download on the App Store.
- Android: search for "ClaimSnap" on the Google Play Store or click here to Download on Google Play.
2. The following blue application badge will appear from National HealthClaim Corporation. Click to download it.
3. Once downloaded, open your new "ClaimSnap" application and log in. If you do not have a password set-up, click here to do that first.
Learn how ClaimSnap works
Before beginning your claim, make sure you read our claim submission requirements.
Click here for a detailed guide on submitting Health Spending Account (HSA) expenses.
Click here for a detailed guide on submitting Lifestyle/Wellness Spending Account (LSA) expenses.
Once you have entered the ClaimSnap app, there are two options to make a claim.
Option 1: Click on the Camera button and take a picture of your first receipt.
If you need to submit another receipt, the screen will prompt you to do so. You can also enter notes for your receipt, as needed.
Top right corner: The option to delete your receipt
Bottom: The option to add more image(s), add notes, and to click the 'Submit' button.
You can also write on the document before you take a picture. Always take a picture of one receipt at a time. You can also take a picture of receipts on your computer screen if they are clear enough.
Option 2: Click on the Upload button and select your first receipt. If you need to submit another receipt, the screen will prompt you to do so. You can also enter notes for your receipt, as needed.
Always upload one receipt at a time. You can also screenshot images on your mobile device and upload them to ClaimSnap.
That's it!
Once you have made a claim, a red dot appears at the bottom 'History' section of the app. Click into it and see the images you just submitted. This is a good time to review exactly what you sent us so you can see if all the receipts are clear and easy to read. If the images are not clear or readable, please delete them and start again.
After your claim is processed by our team, you will receive an email in your inbox. You will be able to see how much of your claim was approved. To get more details (including why certain expenses may not have been approved) go back to the 'History' section in the app.
We highly recommend you visit this section, and read our notes for important information regarding your claim.
If you wish to resubmit any expenses that were not approved, click here to learn how to do that.
Please note, a common mistake is to create both an online claim and use our mobile app for the same expense. You do not need to create a claim for the same expense using both claim submission methods as it creates a duplication and impacts notification of your Remaining Available funds.
Learn what expenses you can start claiming
How to view your coverage list on ClaimSnap, the mobile app
1. On the Homepage, click on the 'Learn about eligible expenses' button. Your Homepage may vary, depending on what type of Spending Account plan you have.
2. See the list of coverages you are eligible to claim for reimbursement. Your list of eligible expenses may vary depending on the coverage your company has enabled for your account. Click into each expense for further information.
How to view your coverage list on your online portal
1. Log into your online portal. If you do not have a password or need a new one, go through our password reset process.
2. On the Homepage, click on the “Eligible Expenses” button. Your Homepage may vary, depending on what type of Spending Account plan you have.
3. See the list of coverages you are eligible to claim for reimbursement. Your list may vary, depending on the coverages your company has enabled for reimbursement.
Quick tip: Before you claim your expenses for reimbursement, ensure you have submitted them to all insurance providers, including other HSAs before using the NHC spending account. We are the last payor.
Any time there is insurance coverage involved we require the detailed Explanation of Benefits document (EOB, sometimes called a Claim Statement) from all insurance providers including other HSAs, for each expense you are claiming.
This detailed document is issued directly by your insurance provider(s) and shows the treatment/service date, patient name, treatment/service details, total cost of treatment, the amount paid toward each expense (even if it is 0) and all applicable messaging/notes for each expense regarding why insurance paid the amounts they did.
If you do not have your copy, contact your insurance provider directly to obtain it. Please note, online copies or screenshots are acceptable. Summary documents are not acceptable as they do not include all of the required details listed above.
If you don’t have other coverage for your expense(s), submit to National HealthClaim directly.
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